Continuous integration (CI) is the practice of automatically building and testing code at regular intervals, allowing developers to find errors in code early on before they go into production. This saves time and money since it allows you to fix bugs quickly before they become full-blown problems with potentially serious consequences. In this guide, we’re going to walk you through some of the best CI tools for Laravel developers, ranging from free ones that integrate right into your workflow to ones that offer more advanced features like fully automated deployment.

1) Bitbucket Pipelines

Bitbucket Pipelines is a continuous integration tool that allows you to build, test and deploy your code with simple commands. It’s also free!

2) Jenkins

Jenkins is an open-source continuous integration server that is used to automate the building, testing, and deployment of code changes. It was created by Kohsuke Kawaguchi in 2004 and released as a free software under the MIT license. Jenkins integrates with most available version control systems including Git, Subversion, Mercurial, CVS etc. Jenkins provides out of the box support for various programming languages like PHP (via PHPUnit), Python (via pytest), Ruby (via Rspec) etc.

3) Travis CI

Travis CI is a hosted, distributed continuous integration service used to build and test software projects hosted in GitHub. Travis CI offers plans for open-source and private projects and integrates with major package managers like npm, RubyGems, CocoaPods, Maven, etc. 

If you’re using PHP as your language of choice, then Travis CI will be a great fit for you. It’s written with the PHP language in mind so it can provide a lot more functionality from the start.

4) SemaphoreCI

SemaphoreCI is a hosted continuous integration service that automatically builds and tests your code. When you push to GitHub, SemaphoreCI will test your code using PHPUnit, PHPSpec or Codeception. It also provides notifications for successful builds and reports on build status.

5) Flowdock CI/CD Integration

Flowdock is a great tool that can integrate with your project’s CI/CD. This will let you know when your code is successfully running and provide you with immediate feedback. There are many other integrations that Flowdock offers, such as Slack, Hipchat, and more.

6) CodeShip

CodeShip is a cloud-based continuous integration service that supports PHP, Python, Ruby, and Node.js projects. It features live chat support from the developer community, unlimited build minutes, and three available pricing plans: Basic (free), Premium ($29/month), and Business ($99/month).

7) Shippable

Shippable is a continuous integration tool that makes it easy to run tests, deploy and monitor your application. It supports PHP projects, including Laravel and Symfony2. Shippable also offers per-commit testing, which means that developers can test their code before committing it to the main branch. The service integrates with GitHub, BitBucket and GitLab so you don’t have to worry about maintaining another account.


There are a lot of great CI tools out there, but the one that sticks with me is GitLab. It’s a system that is used by many other well-known development companies, and it has both public and private repositories. If you need to hire laravel developers, Taglin Infotech is a great place to start looking.

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