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  • Snapchat to add New Feature ‘Live Location’ for its Snap Map

Multiple reports have confirmed that Snapchat is adding a new location-sharing feature to enhance its security features. The app is presenting features with live location sharing. It would enable users to share their correct location with friends for a short time period.

However, Snap Map has already offered a location-sharing feature for the last couple of years. But the currently used version can just update the location after opening the Snapchat app. The new version will offer a ‘live location’ feature to allow the selection of friends to see your exact location.

The new feature will enable you to set a period of time in a real-time environment for specific friends to see your location. You can share all information about your location for 15 minutes to 1-8 hours, similar to Apple’s Find My app.

New Feature will enable you to Help Others

The social platform said the new feature will allow users to meet up with friends easily. You can also help people to stay safe in critical situations when they need to know a friend or family member. Users will only need to become friends and get mutual access to live location sharing.

The recent move came after Snapchat attempted to build up its security measures during the past couple of months. The company also said the platform will restrict users’ friend recommendations for teenagers. It is part of an effort to address the issue related to drug dealers targeting teens and youngsters.

Experts believe the company will launch the app with new parental control features. TechCrunch also reported that Snapchat is looking to announce a new buddy system-like feature. It would enable a user to share its real-time and exact location with a friend while restricting him after a specific time period. You can set sharing location in real-time for 15 minutes or several hours.

Live Location a New Global Feature

This new global feature is designed to support users who are looking for their friends. It would allow them to continue resuming their social life, start traveling again, or return to school/ college campuses. This feature is also an excellent option for daily activities and ensures your friend returns home safe at night.

Users are currently able to just share their location with individual friends in real-time. The company said the new update was designed to improve its safety and security. However, it will not allow users to send their location details in real-time to their entire Snapchat friends.

Early Version of Snapchat Location Sharing

The company also pointed out that both entities must accept each other’s friend requests on Snapchat prior to sharing their location. They will be directed with a reminder when a user decides to turn on the feature. The new feature is aimed at bringing friends and family members closer.

The app has allowed users since 2017 to share locations with friends on Snap Map while using Snapchat. The company now has over 250 million people using the Map each month to connect with their family members and friends.

Moreover, this latest real-time feature was designed on users’ feedback about their Snap Map experience to connect friends and family. At least 78% of Snapchat users in the US said they didn’t experience trouble sharing their location on Snap Map. They also said the feature is safe and reliable to stay connected with others.

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