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  • Scientists Warned Severe Climate Crisis & End of Earth

Scientists Warned Severe Climate Crisis & End of EarthScientists have renewed an extreme warning over global climate change. The journal BioScience published an article in November 2019 co-signed by more than 11 thousand scientists. They declared a global climate emergency. The same journal issued an update and showed an improvement in a few key areas due to Covid-19 pandemic. The latest update said, “A major lesson from Covid-19 is that even colossally decreased transportation and consumption are not nearly enough and that, instead, transformational system changes are required, and they must rise above politics. Given the impacts we are seeing at roughly 1.25 degrees Celsius (°C) warming, combined with the many reinforcing feedback loops and potential tipping points, massive-scale climate action is urgently needed”.

The ecology professor William Ripple and forest ecosystems researcher Christopher Wolf of Oregon State University quoted wildfires, catastrophic floods, and record- devastating heat waves. The update presented the latest trend lines for both human-related activities such as CO2 emissions and Brazilian Amazon-forest loss. The environmental indicators like greenhouse gas clusters in the atmosphere and loss of ice in Antarctica and Greenland. The new update showed a Covid-19-related decline in GDP products, air travel, and CO2 emissions. But the study also finds record levels of CO2 and Methane in the atmosphere. The update showed an increase in livestock numbers and a starling loss of ice around the world. They indicated glaciers and ice sheets to the near disappearance of summer Arctic Sea ice.

Wolf said. “But by halting the unsustainable exploitation of natural habitats, we can reduce zoonotic disease transmission risks, protect carbon stocks and conserve biodiversity, all at the same time”. A famous scientist Marki Rawna also warned about severe climate conditions over the next couple of years. He said, “Our Earth is currently experiencing the most critical situation. The movement of our earth is due to a well-managed system. Every moving system needs a power source to perform movement functionality. The Earth has already reduced most of its power sources. Excessive oil exploration around the world rapidly decreasing our Earth’s essential fuel needed to perform various functions”. The gravitational force of our earth is like a magnet and essential for everything to keep attached to the earth.

The Earth uses Crude Oil, Natural Gases, and other essential power sources to keep moving our earth. Massive oil exploration and its consumption around the world have indicated an alarming situation. Rawna added, “The Earth is rapidly completing its life-cycle and reaching the End. The oil exploration countries must understand the serious situation and immediately stop oil exploration around the world. Otherwise, the end of time is not too far or decades-long”. He said, “Oil and Gas consumption around the world have shown their negative impacts and damages. Increasing air pollution has already become a major issue and still unresolved”. Rawna also requested OPEC and oil exploring countries to immediately stop the destruction of our Earth and “Save the World”.

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