Microsoft has reportedly prepared to entirely change its update schedule for Windows 10. The company could make the move because of the upcoming release of Windows 10X. ZDNet also reported that the tech giant has indicated about the plans for Windows 10X since May 2020. Point to be noted that the company’s chief product officer Panos Panay said in a blog post that Microsoft would pivot its focus from dual-screen devices to single-screen devices that grasp the power of the cloud. Our sources have indicated the company is now focusing spring 2021 for the first commercial release of Windows 10X. It isn’t a new operating system instead of a variation of Windows 10 that features a simpler user interface and a more modular form.
It is noteworthy that Microsoft had planned to ship 10X first on upcoming dual-screen devices including its own Surface Neo. ZDNet has reported that the latest plan of the company could see 10X first debut on single-screen devices designed at businesses and education in the spring of 2021 followed by a roll out for additional single-screen and dual-screen devices in the spring of 2022. The company will soon release updates for both Windows 10 and Windows 10X, but the update schedule might change. Microsoft could end up releasing just one feature update per year for Windows 10 beginning in 2021. It is an effort to allow its engineers to work on updates for both versions of the operating system.
Microsoft will likely deliver Windows 10X releases in the spring and Windows 10 feature updates in the fall. The company will also roll out Windows 10 20H2 in the fall of the current year, but it would be a very minor feature update. Microsoft will finally release Windows 10X for the first time in the spring of 2021. Our sources also indicated that the company will roll out a feature update for Windows 10 with an updated version of Windows 10X releasing in the spring of 2022. It has the ability to work on both single-screen and dual-screen devices.