Nelson Mandela once said that “education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”. It is indeed so, but the evolution in the methodologies of education has changed in so many ways. Additionally, the education system has encountered multiple disruptions since the year 2020, when the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic took a gigantic form. With this consideration, it has to be pointed out that, while we faced a lot of twists and turns due to the COVID pandemic. It has introduced several opportunities and advanced innovations in the education field.
In order to fight the emerging disturbance in the traditional education system, the entire administration of education has come together to think and find out how they can continue without any pause. Educationists felt the necessity of the implementation of new technologies and innovations within the sector as soon as possible.
Since then, the growing popularity of ingenious approaches to tools and the benefits of distance education has made a tremendous appearance like an unprecedented event. Perspectives and innovations which felt like a cry for the moon to the entire mankind, have started to become a necessity on that score. The utmost credit for this change should be given to the professionals who were looking for opportunities in which individuals can carry on the learning process with ease. This contribution has helped children to remain motivated and enthusiastic towards education. Parents also feel less worried than before. This kind of rapid progression of the education sector started with the COVID-19 pandemic. Noticing the current demands of the learners, it is high time we embraced these upgraded innovations in more practical ways. The rising vogue of online learning platforms is the basic proof of the changes occurring in the field of education. Notably, these changes are going to shape the future of education.
The traditional ‘chalk and talk’ system of gaining knowledge has changed to ‘click and learn’ based learning. Prior to the current situation, students used to go to the classrooms in order to get educated. Now, with the blessing of modern technology, classrooms have come to the devices of the students which means students are no longer required to attend long and continue classes.
They can be a part of lectures at any time, from anywhere through the virtual platforms. Students feel that this is a great opportunity for them to carry on their studies along with other activities. Previously, there were some conventional teacher-student boundaries. Students were not expected to have a detailed conversation with teachers at any moment. This was only possible during the classes. Amongst some issues, these are on their way to being diminished. Teachers and professors are also working on themselves to get more used to the transmission of the education system. A few of the most important components of the modern education system are listed by the experts of assignment writing, these are followed by the education sectors in order to shape the future of education.
Acceptance of advanced education technologies
During the lockdown period when the regular life of every individual got stuck, virtual platforms appeared as the single way to get out of this and carry on studies. New and upgraded innovations emerged. It is still prevailing and tends to prevail in the future as a common approach for society. The mixture of visualization and education has made the learning experience more enjoyable for the students.
Encouragement for the personalized learning experiences
As a consequence of the remote learning experience for almost 2 years, students prefer learning individually day by day. They are getting the chance to collect and compare different study materials from multiple resources according to their personal needs. These opportunities have encouraged many examples of personalized learning methods in the education sector. Teachers are focusing on every student separately and trying to fulfill the requirements of each student independently.
Project-based learning
There are many schools that exist that value and cheer up Project Based Learning also known as PBL. When the acceptance of educational technologies increased as a result of virtual learning, these schools found an appropriate way for the students to work on assignments and projects, being in a group. Students, who used to encounter some problems amongst themselves due to the differences in opinions or preferences, have started to connect more with each other. The cooperation of the students also helps the education in executing personalized schedules and plans for each student.
Hybrid schooling
After the lockdown, when institutions tend to open in a phased manner, one of the most preferable options is hybrid schooling which is going to rule over countries for upcoming decades. This hybrid schooling process is mostly preferable for those educators and learning, to whom the virtual mode of learning is still not a preferred choice but a compulsion. As hybrid schooling offers the service of both online and traditional education methods, taking opportunities of education becomes possible for those who are not still habituated with the rapidly changing education sector.