Facebook just intensified its lawsuit over surveillance firm NSO Group’s WhatsApp call make use of attacks. So, the team of WhatsApp has filed allegations that NSO relied on US-based servers to step forward its spyware attacks using Pegasus software. The company alleged that NSO used the Los Angeles hosting service QuadraNet at least 700 times to infect users with malware, while an Amazon server was also involved. The Facebook legal team also sought to shoot down NSO’s beliefs that it’s out of the jurisdiction and that it has immunity due to its government clientele. Lawyers have pointed out that the company hadn’t named a specific country buying its surveillance offerings, or any other proof that it couldn’t be held responsible for what its clients did.
A spokesperson for NSO didn’t directly address the latest claims and instead repeated earlier remarks. He said that it doesn’t operate Pegasus for customers and it can’t be used against devices or phone numbers inside the United States. It is noteworthy that NSO Group may be in trouble regardless of its defense provided WhatsApp’s assertions prove true. The involvement of US servers would improve the chances of the lawsuit moving forward and challenge notions that it’s simply a bystander in the violation of users’ privacy and security. The social giant has filed a case against the Israeli cyber surveillance firm NSO Group on the latter’s use of WhatsApp to spread spyware to 1,400 mobile devices in 20 countries between April and May 2019.
The alleged operation targeted 100 journalists including some famous female leaders and human rights activists. Moreover, the social giant didn’t indicate who the NSO’s client was on the attacks on devices mostly located in Mexico, Bahrain, and the UAE. Point to be noted that WhatsApp also alleged NSO used Pegasus software to tamper US-based servers to spy. The company alleged NSO has reportedly used the QuadraNet (a Los Angeles hosting service) including involving an Amazon server for more than 700 times to afflict malware on users. It rejected claims from NSO that it couldn’t operate in the United States as well as asserts the reports that it is a hacking company instead of developing software.